— A Minnesota solar company backed by Barclays Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Citi, Bank of America/Merrill Lynch, Macquarie Bank and First Reserve Corp. called SunEdison and its renewable arm called Terraform are purchasing First Wind for $2.4 billion.
— We had elections. Vermont’s governor’s status is technically not yet settled. His failure to listen to concerns about wind energy has been highlighted in several commentaries by respected Vermonters as one of the reasons voters stayed home or voted for someone else.
— EDP Renewables is prospecting in New Hampshire and Maine.
— Neighbors of New England wind projects have experienced high, unacceptable noise levels in the last few days
— Eolian Wind is shown the door again, this time in Maine
— Open season on offshore Mass. coming soon
— Health Canada released its as-anticipated, politically-motivated $2 million study. Health and noise issues are in the news despite the industry/political alliance’s efforts to deny harm is occurring
The Production Tax Credit (PTC) is in play again. VCE will be sending out a sign-on letter to send to our congressional delegation (Senators Leahy and Sanders, Congressman Welch) and their staffers as part of a national effort by thousands of people. Look for an email from us in the coming weeks.
Check out the graphs at the end of this way-too-long message. Food for thought.