Response to “Wind Turbine Syndrome”

Response to “Wind Turbine Syndrome” prepared by Epsilon Associates (the Massachusetts company hired by the CT Siting Council to review the Prospect application). Epsilon prepared it for a company with turbines in Illinois, and they dispute Nina Pierpont’s book on wind turbine syndrome. They do agree with her statement that she hopes that developers would accept noise level criteria recommended by such agencies as the World Health Organization. Based on Epsilon’s review of various publications, they conclude “there are no health effects, disturbance, or moderately perceptible vibrations expected due to infrasound or low frequency sound from GE 1.5sle or GE 1.5xle wind farms at 1000 feet.”   This could be used as the basis for a setback for those GE models. I’ll keep looking for something on the 1.6MW models proposed by BNE.

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