COLEBROOK, CT – Jan. 19, 2011 – Two Colebrook medical professionals with property abutting the proposed BNE Energy commercial wind turbine project have applied for Party status to the project application with the Connecticut Siting Council (, citing credible concerns about the negative impact of wind turbines in close proximity to residential areas.
“While acknowledging that the science of disturbance from wind turbines is in its infancy, we feel that there are a number of scientific studies that support the possibility of infrasonic noise causing ill health effects,” says David R. Lawrence, M.D. and Jeannie Lemelin, LPN. “We feel that it would be grossly negligent to allow wind turbines to be placed proximal to residences until such concerns are scientifically addressed such that safe setbacks can be established.”
According to Colebrook resident Joyce Hemingson, President of FairWindCT (, the State of Connecticut has the unique opportunity to learn from wind farms in other states and do its best to ensure the health and safety of its citizens by establishing regulations for wind farms in residential areas before allowing them to be built.
“The State of Connecticut and many of its towns, including Colebrook, do not have regulations for wind farms in residential areas,”Hemingson says. “The State and towns need time to plan for this substantial change in our mix of energy resources. We ask that the Connecticut Siting Council call for a moratorium on commercial wind energy applications and initiate regulation-making proceedings on the subject.”
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